Brush strokes

I have often tried to create paintings or drawings that are neat and could almost be mistaken for a photograph, thinking that hyperreallistic artwork shows how talented an artist is . I realized this morning that not only is that not true (look t impressionists, surrealists and modern artists to name a few) but I realize that I like brush strokes. They show not only what the artist sees but also a little bit of the work and struggle that has gone into a piece of art. Brush strokes are similar to the wrinkles, scars and smile in our lives. They add dimension and life to an otherwise flat piece. I have nothing against photorealism and I am blown away by the talent of the artists that are able to create an image so perfect that we are unable to tell if it is a photograph, painting or drawing. My life is just messier than that. It doesn’t have smooth lines and it is messy and inconsistent. My work reflects that but I feel that that is how it should be for my art. I want it to be a reflection of who I am. Some areas thick with color and movement and others thin and shallow, but all of them coming together in a dance across the page, hopefully for others to enjoy as well.cropped-thestorm.jpg